Here you will find the official INTERNORGA logo in different file formats for screen display and print output.

INTERNORGA Logo Plain with year, black (AI, CMYK)
INTERNORGA Logo Plain with year, black (JPEG, RGB)
INTERNORGA Logo Plain with year, black (PNG, RGB)
INTERNORGA Logo Plain with year, white (AI, CMYK)
INTERNORGA Logo Plain with year, white (PNG, RGB)
INTERNORGA Logo Plain with year, orange (AI, CMYK)

INTERNORGA Logo Plain with date, black (AI, CMYK)
INTERNORGA Logo Plain with date, black (JPEG, RGB)
INTERNORGA Logo Plain with date, black (PNG, RGB)
INTERNORGA Logo Plain with date, white (AI, CMYK)
INTERNORGA Logo Plain with date, white (PNG, RGB)
INTERNORGA Logo Plain with date, orange (AI, CMYK)
INTERNORGA Logo Plain with date, orange (JPEG, RGB)
INTERNORGA Logo Plain with date, orange (PNG, RGB)

INTERNORGA Logo with sublines, black (AI, CMYK)
INTERNORGA Logo with sublines, black (JPEG, RBG)
INTERNORGA Logo with sublines, black (PNG, RGB)
INTERNORGA Logo with sublines, white (AI, CMYK)
INTERNORGA Logo with sublines, white (PNG, RGB)
INTERNORGA Logo with sublines, orange (AI, CMYK)
Logos Trend themes & competitions
Here you will find the official logos of special exhibition areas at INTERNORGA, for example the Next Chef Award or the German Gastro Founder Award.