Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner des INTERNORGA Zukunftspreises 2024 jubeln auf der Bühne mit Trophäen, Urkunden und Blumen. Im Hintergrund die Leinwand mit „The Future Starts Now!“

Courage and vision: the finalists of the INTERNORGA Future Award 2025

In 2025, the INTERNORGA Future Award will once again focus on the potential of the entire foodservice and hospitality market. The jury has now selected the finalists from the numerous high-quality applications. With this award, the leading international trade fair honours companies that set new standards through innovative and sustainable concepts and entrepreneurial courage. TV presenter Patrice Bouedibela will host the awards ceremony on 14 March 2025 at 12 p.m. on the OPEN STAGE in Hall A3.

The companies that have been honoured with the INTERNORGA Future Award since 2011 all share certain characteristics – innovative strength, sustainable developments and impressive courage. The winners set new standards in the industry, impressing with high efficiency and responsible entrepreneurship. Although they all take different paths in the process, in their own way each one of them is shaping the long-term future of the foodservice and hospitality market. The award is considered to be one of the most important national and international honours in the industry.

The winner from among the nominees is chosen by the prestigious jury, consisting of the trend researcher Hanni Rützler, the scientist Dr J. Daniel Dahm, the engineer Carl-Otto Gensch and the nutritionist Rainer Roehl. The large number of outstanding applications meant that making the selection was once again no easy task this year. ‘The high quality and inventiveness of the nominated concepts shows the enormous potential for sustainable developments in ongoing transformation of food culture,’ says Hanni Rützler. Visitors to INTERNORGA can find out which trendsetting companies are in the running for the coveted prize live on the OPEN STAGE on 14 March at 12 p.m. TV presenter Patrice Bouedibela will host the exciting awards ceremony, which can also be viewed via a livestream for those unable to attend.


The nominees 2025

 ‘Catering & Hotel Industry’ category

  • Gusto Gourmet GmbH – Company catering from Carl Zeiss AG:
    Resource-conscious ‘nose-to-tail’ concept and promotion of sustainable catering
  • JUTAR GmbH – Bonvivant Cocktail Bistro:Vegetarian fine dining with a high ecological standard and a Michelin Star
  • Scandic Hotels Deutschland GmbH:Sustainable system hospitality with consistent, long-term implementation of environmental principles throughout the entire supply chain


 ‘Technology & Equipment’ category

  • BRITA SE – BRITA PROGUARD Gastronomy: Sustainable filter system for optimised water quality and appliance protection
  • Ecolab Deutschland GmbH – MAXX Synbiotic: Biodegradable cleaning system with microorganisms as an environmentally friendly alternative to chemicals
  • HOBART GmbH – Smart Vision Control:AI-powered dishwashing technology that automates the washing process, reduces staffing requirements, and conserves resources.

 ‘Food & Beverages’ category

  • fourTaste – Tempeh: Regional lupin and pea tempeh as a sustainable source of protein
  • Global Village Fruit Inc –Pulled-Pork-Style Jackfruit: Plant-based meat alternative with a resource-saving cultivation method
  • Verrano GmbH – Charcuterie from root vegetables: Fermented plant-based alternative to conventional charcuterie

INTERNORGA will take place from 14 to 18 March 2025 on the grounds of the Hamburg Messe und Congress exhibition centre. International exhibitors will present the latest trends and innovations, alongside an extensive supporting programme and exciting networking opportunities. The INTERNORGA Future Award exemplifies the innovative strength of the industry.


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Annika Meyer
T. +49 40 3569 2445
Annika Meyer